Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Bull Sessions

In a rare confluence of agreement, both the NRA and the Brady Campaign supported the project, seeing it as a way, on paper at least, to reduce violent crime that appeared to be spiraling out of control. The fact that it would require that officials of the federal government, namely the DOJ and its enforcement arm the BATFE, to “coordinate” with local law enforcement didn’t bother either the Brady bunch or the NRA. Said Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s Executive Vice President: “By prosecuting [criminals violating gun laws, it] prevent[s] the drug dealer, the gang member, and the felon from committing the next crime … leave the good people alone and lock up the bad people and dramatically cut crime.” [More]
As a sidenote, I'm grateful to WarOnGuns Correspondent Carlos Perdue for making sure comments over at my piece aren't dominated by those who fail to grasp the basics.

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