Tuesday, October 10, 2017

What's That Out of 18 Million or So?

A Facebook group now has more than 70,000 members calling for a boycott of all NFL games on Veterans Day weekend, Nov. 12-13. [More]
Only then? And funny, what it takes to trigger an indignant response.

I'd join, but it's a moot point as you wouldn't catch me in a stadium anyway, and the only time I'm likely to watch televised sports is when I die and go to hell.

The thought strikes that it would be less self-belittling to wear a shirt saying "I'm with stupid," with the arrow pointing up, than to wear a jersey with some sportsthug's name on it. At least with the former, you'd show you're in on the joke, as opposed to being a bitch for the rope-sellers.

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